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PED Certification: what it is and what it attests

It is very important to update ourselves today on the safety of our and your employees. Work accidents in recent years have multiplied. To face the risks that the workers run daily, it was necessary to introduce rules that regulate their safety.

How PED certification works: avoiding accidents at work

The Ped Certification (Pressure equipment directive) is a product directive (2014/68 / EU) issued by the European Community; follows the pre-existing Directive 97/23 / EC of 29 May 1997 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States concerning pressure equipment. It is essential and every system with parts and equipment that work under pressure must obtain it.

All OMZ systems are certified according to the risk categories. The level of risk is linked to the amount of energy stored in the parts of the plants subjected to pressure. Each level, to be tested and certified, must pass tests, in which pressure, volume or DN, construction materials and fluid are checked.

Every aspect is deepened, to avoid putting the workers’ lives at risk.

If the plants were not considered suitable for use and represented a risk to the health or even the life of a physical person, they would not be put on the market and could therefore not be used.

Each plant is regularly checked and verified

For the equipment that, on the other hand, pass the test, the requirements of the PED Directive that regulates it, the CE marking is then affixed. In addition to this, the notification number of the Notified Body must be available.

Below, we list all the steps necessary to receive the PED certificate.

  • The inspection will take care of checking the materials, approving particular materials and checking the quality of the components of each machine;
  • After having inspected and checked the machinery thoroughly, it will be the company designated to the controls (for OMZ srl today is Pascal, certification body notified of ACCREDIA) to issue the qualifications of the processing procedures;
  • In the end, the certificate of conformity will be issued, according to which the machinery does not represent in any way a risk for workers or for the company.

Safety at work is very important. The birth of the PED certificate was revolutionary: a greater guarantee for the workers and for those who come into daily contact with the reality of the industries.

The laws in force are very strict in this regard. Compared to a few years ago, Italy has become more aware of accidents at work and it is therefore essential to ensure a positive experience for all.

The OMZ systems have passed the standard control and obtained the PED certification; they do not in any way represent a risk to workers but increase their working standards.