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The term ATEX indicates the conventional name that groups two European Union directives:

  • 2014/34 / EU for the regulation of equipment intended for use in areas at risk of explosion; the directive is aimed at manufacturers of equipment intended for use in areas with potentially explosive atmospheres and manifests itself with the obligation to certify these products; Directive 94/9 / EC results from it repealed with effect from 20 April 2016;
  • 99/92 / EC for the safety and health of workers in explosive atmospheres; it is applied in environments at risk of explosion, where certified plants and equipment are put into operation and is therefore aimed at users.

The name derives from the words ATmosphères and EXplosives.


An explosive atmosphere is a mixture of flammable substances in the state of gas, vapors, mists or fuels in a powdery state with air or comburent, under certain atmospheric conditions in which, with ignition, the combustion spreads to the flammable mixture.

In order for a potentially explosive atmosphere to form, flammable and / or combustible substances must be present in a certain concentration; if the concentration is too low (lean mixture) or too high (rich mixture) there is a low tendency to the formation of an explosion but a combustion reaction can be produced, if not no reaction at all.

The explosion can therefore occur only in the presence of an ignition source and when the concentration is within the explosive range in mass or volume of the substances, between the minimum (LEL) and maximum (UEL) limits. The explosion limits depend on the pressure of the environment and the percentage of comburent present in the atmosphere.

In the classification of areas with danger of explosion due to the presence of flammable gases, mists or vapors, the following are identified:

Zone 0: the explosive atmosphere is present continuously or for long periods;

Zone 1: during normal activities, the formation of an explosive atmosphere is likely;

Zone 2: during normal activities, the formation of an explosive atmosphere is not likely.

For the definition of these areas, the main reference criteria are:

  • quantity and position of gas emission sources;
  • degree of emission (continuous, first degree, second degree);
  • degree of ventilation (high, medium, low);
  • availability of ventilation (good, adequate, poor).


Each ATEX product is marked with a code where each of the alphanumeric characters has a specific correspondence

The products made by OMZ srl comply with the rules issued by the directives relating to ATEX. Every year a notified body checks that all the requirements, relating to the regulations in force, in OMZ srl are respected.

The technology in the possession of OMZ srl is such as to satisfy all the needs of our customers, to guarantee them safe products that comply with all regulations.