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Fairs and events: why participate?

Why should companies participate in trade fairs? The question arises spontaneously in a world where digital technology is so developed that it allows a complete interconnection between partner companies and customers.

Not so long ago, participating in fairs or promotional events, to present their news to the market, was the only way to be known to an extended audience, was the right opportunity to strengthen their business. Today with internet all this can be done at a distance: So why, we ask ourselves once again, do we need to be present at an industry event?

What are the reasons that push OMZ srl to participate in a trade fair?

Undoubtedly make the most of the opportunity to meet people involved in your field of work, know partners with whom you can expand your business, make networking as the most fashionable entrepreneurs would say, and make sense of participation. The physical dimension in this helps a lot: it allows, in fact, to create immediate empathy, perhaps with a simple handshake. Moreover, being present in a fair with other companies in the same field also allows the exchange of know-how with mutual growth of the parties. Besides being a partner, participation in trade fairs often allows direct knowledge with potential customers. No less important, these events allow the knowledge of new markets: it is the first phase of a possible entry.

How does OMZ prepare for this kind of events?

Welcoming people in the stand, even initially not interested in our product, talking to them, being friendly and even nice is good for the identity of our brand and colors its image of positivity. These are aspects that we at OMZ have never underestimated. For our brand it is important that our interlocutors of any kind perceive our being positive and open. It is essential that everyone always has a positive memory of our meetings: inducing word of mouth, retaining existing customers and expanding the network of potential ones is of vital importance. OMZ lives thanks to the relationship of continuous trust and respect that is created with all our customers, whose satisfaction is always our main goal.

We invite you to visit us at our stand at Autopromotec in Bologna from 22 to 26 May 2019 and at the Comtrans in Moscow from 02 to 7 September 2019