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Customized software for washing systems: what are the advantages?

We rely heavily on the machines today. Our life, our everyday life. Modern technology has made great strides in every sector and our quality of life has improved considerably, thanks in part to the time that technology allows us to save money.

The advance of technology allows us to expand the concept of work

Every so often, one wonders if the machines will take the upper hand and how much they will affect the various working sectors. Will we still need manpower? Nobody better than OMZ can say that labor is essential to make better products. The precision craftsmanship will always be the focus of our products.However, sometimes, we can rely on custom software and spend an operator’s time on making a better product.

It’s not just time-saving: allocating minor jobs with customized software is revolutionary.
Each program is selected and implemented according to customer needs. A washing plant needs a well-defined cycle to be completed in the best way.Moreover, we are talking about one of the most important sectors: equipment and containers of any kind must be cleaned and sterilized according to specific procedures. After all, we also serve the pharmaceutical and biochemical sectors: we therefore consider it appropriate to offer them the best software service on the market.

Evaluate the installation of customized software for washing systems: here’s how
OMZ is a reality that puts the needs of the customer first of all. Washing systems are among the services we offer most:

  • External washing: to constantly guarantee the cleaning of a vehicle, we offer a high pressure or medium pressure system, able to satisfy any requirement. Also in this case, automatic interventions are planned guided by customized software, with which you can choose the appropriate washing program, so as to reduce the manual impact;
  • Internal tank washing: in this case, we are faced with a product that allows internal washing in a short time, thanks to a completely automated mode that bypasses the physical intervention inside the cistern;
  • IBC washing and small containers: it is important that even small containers are always clean. OMZ has always wanted to reach a level of perfection, to create the machine without defects: using modern technology seemed to us a great way to achieve our goal.

Contact us to know the prices of our technologies for industrial washes: if you are interested in custom software, let us know: you will save the time taken to clean and increase production.