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Heating System for Tanks

The heating station consists of a series of steam outlets, each complete with:

  • • DN 25 PN16 steam valve
  • • 1″ steam solenoid valve with 24V DC coil
  • • Pressure reducer with adjustment range from 1 to 4 bar
  • • Pressure gauge with coil and valve
  • • Quick steam connection
  • • Rubber steam hose of appropriate length, complete with stainless steel fittings and quick connection


The systems are equipped with automation features that monitor the timing required to reach the temperature, with the additional option to program it, allowing for remote operation without the need for physical presence during operations.


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A particularly interesting activity within the context of tank washing stations and related operations is the heating of the contained product to make it fluid for discharge.

For this purpose, it is necessary to have access to steam, either produced from a specific boiler dedicated to this task or from the boiler serving the washing system itself.

OMZ S.r.l. designs complete heating systems for tanks, both in traditional and mobile versions, utilizing 10 and 20-foot containers specially equipped for this purpose.

The container, properly insulated, includes:

  • • Water softener with dual columns
  • • Insulated stainless steel tank for condensate recovery and boiler feed
  • • Steam-producing boiler with gas or diesel burner
  • • Stainless steel chimney

The system is managed by a PLC for data collection, such as real-time valve opening times corresponding to heating duration, creation of files for operation history, remote monitoring of individual points in real-time, telephone activation device in case of boiler malfunction, and a Touch Screen panel for setting desired temperature for each user, with a display showing real-time product temperature.